Saturday, June 23, 2012

SABnzbd post processing script - virus scan

Using my VirusTotal API i've put together a post processing script for SABnzbd. The script will perform a recursive scan and perform a search on the VirusTotal site. Again, no file content is uploaded but instead submits the cryptographic hash (SHA256) to VirusTotal. The results will be displayed on the SABnzbd interface through the "View script log" window.

The Google code project can be found here, along with the download ready to add in your script folder.


VirusTotal search / scan

The VirusTotal site has some pretty cool functionality. Their search feature allows you to search using various  terms. For example, you can search for malware results using cryptographic hashes. I've put together a Java API which allows developers to make use of this functionality. I've put all the code and API examples on my VirusTotal Google Code project page.