Take a look at the following code, the output is not what you may expect ;)
public class MindWarp {
public static void main(String[] args)
private static final String MR_ANDERSON = "Adam, RIM Security Researcher";
private static final Warper warper = new Warper(); //The hackers class ;)
//Warper.java - Hacks the String object which is on the heap....
import java.lang.reflect.*;
public class Warper
private static Field stringValue;
stringValue = String.class.getDeclaredField("value"); //String has a private char [] called "value"
catch(NoSuchFieldException ex)
//Should deploy a safety net here i.e enumerate a char[] incase the variable inside the String class is not called "value"
if (stringValue != null) {
stringValue.setAccessible(true); // make field public ;)
public Warper() {
try {
//String must be same length, otherwise IndexOutOfBoundsException
stringValue.set("Adam, RIM Security Researcher", "You have been hacked! ! ! ! !".toCharArray());
} catch(IllegalAccessException ex) {} // shhh